Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lucca's 99 problems

As an African American, and as a woman I have the ability to observe parallels in the isms sexism and racism, and find concerning hypocrisy and double standards.

Simply ask yourself this question, when has there ever been an African American man who raised concerns about the use of the word nigger in a song, tv show, advertisement etc and someone refuted the claim for racism based on the mans appearance, background, history etc. Every black man can scream and moan about racist comments and NO ONE asks - well is he a good representative of African Americans. No one does that because it is irrelevant. If you murder someone, and I say it is wrong it doesn't become any less or more wrong that you murdered someone if I also have. It only means that possibly we are both murderers, the question is whether or not murder is wrong. When Rodney King was beaten for his race, no one examined whether or not he was an upstanding AfAm man who represented his race well, they simply and correctly identified the wrong - racism and addressed it.

I encourage us to identify the wrong and address it. Equally irrelevant to the question as to whether or not Lucca and Adam were inappropriate in choosing this song is whether anyone said anything to Jay before for it. As I said, if Jayz had murdered someone and no one said anything, and then Lucca murdered someone in the same way we wouldn't say - well Jay didn't hear about it so why criticize Lucca.

So again, the question is simply is it appropriate or inappropriate to spew out the words "If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a b*** ain't one".

That is the question. Not whether or not someone else said it first, not whether or not we can handle a woman choosing to be sexually provocative (which is NOT degrading to women - sexuality is NORMAL), now what the person who said something about it was wearing is it or is it not wrong.

The question of wrong and right then becomes more practical. So what is wrong? That is so subjective. I think it is a better question - does it harm anyone? That is even more practical and an even more useful discussion to have. And then, if it does harm anyone, to what extent, who does it harm, why does it do so, and what responsibility did either Adam or Lucca have in choosing to harm.

Since women are so systematically discriminated against, many men and a lot of women are so desensitized to misogyny that they don't recognize it or understand the harm. It has become "normal" . It has become so "normal" to have someone stand on a stage and call women derogatory names that we actually attack the sane person who points out the basic obvious fact = calling women as a group and expletive - is degrading. Look up the definition of degrade and that is the definition.

Now, because it is so hard for us to even recognize being insulted because it is so normal I will use an analogy to this using race instead since in this society we have come to appreciate that in popular culture derogatory racial slurs are still in the public eye frowned upon (despite systematic racism still thriving).

Only when races are insulted to people actually see basic principles that are often ignored when it comes to women.

So if a white artist sang "If you're having darkie problems I feel bad for you white, I got 99 problems but a ****** ain't one"; all of America would have banned the voice. It would have been pulled from the air. No sponsors would endorse it and NO ONE would have said ANYTHING to any black person who made a comment about it besides "right on" "I support you".

Whenever you are faced with these questions - is it ok to sensationalize and popularize derogatory slurs against women, just ask yourself - if this were about race - what would I say. And likely you will see through the bull shit and see the truth.

YES - it matters that you say b**** 1 million times on TV and sing it in songs and use slurs that are derogatory against women. YES - it does harm people. Read. Read the science and literature that tells you what you already know - it impacts the self esteem and self worth of individuals when the group that they belong to is degraded in society.

READ about the way in which all genocides begin with degrading a race of people to subhuman by the use of WORDS and LANGUAGE in order to enact societal wide harm against them.

READ about the struggles that many races have fought for to make sure derogatory racial slurs be removed for popular culture - most mainstream tv shows, movies, and songs. Name me a popular song where racial slurs are used by whites against minorities in truly derogatory ways repeatedly. If minority men are so adamant about making sure that they are not degrading in music by boycotting and shutting down anyone who uses a racial slur in the public eye, why don't those same people see how women would be just as concerned about getting rid of derogatory gender based slurs used in popular culture?

Shout out to Christina for making that statement. And props to her for wearing whatever she wants. You dehumanize someone when you make them one dimensional, women can be sexy, provocative - does NOT mean she is less than a woman, doe NOT mean she is degrading women because she wears sexy clothing. No ONE said anything about Prince and MJ grabbing crotches etc. Sexuality is NORMAL part of human function. How the hell do you think we all got here? You can't put women in a box - only women who dress a certain way have the right to be respected.

Just like a gansta rapper who says nigger all day long, and is a disgrace to his race would be supported if he claimed racism when a news anchor uses the word nigger - NO ONE woman should be accosted by her peers for pointing out basic truth that calling women as a group a derogatory slur in national television is wrong DOES have a negative impact on women and men and IS part of why women have low self esteem, are victims of violence and more human rights offenses across the globe than have been committed by all of the racial atrocities added together. More women die from gender discrimination than ALL of the wars on the planet EVER.

And of course racial slurs and gender based slurs are only as good as they are powerful right? If there is no power dynamic then nigger is just a word, b**** is just a word. But in a society where people were beaten and killed to the sound of white yelling nigger, and in a society where women are gang raped to the sound of men yelling b**** and whore, these words are powerful as words, but also in action. They are part of HOW people enact violence against others. Once you dehumanize a person ANYTHING is possible. Racial slurs and gender based slurs and homophobic slurs are the first step in making it easier to discriminate against, and initiate violence against these groups.

I encourage you to READ. Know your history as a woman. Know the history of sexism, the continued struggle not just here but overseas. You all know that blacks had to fight to overturn Jim Crow laws to vote in the 60s, but did you know that women didn't get the right to vote until after black men did? You all know about racial discrimination in home ownership, but did you know that BY LAW women were not allowed IN THIS COUNTRY to own property? Did you know that marriage used to be a contract providing OWNERSHIP of a woman to a man. Only until recently have women not been PROPERTY! And in many places in the world they are still treated as cattle. 1 in 4 women WILL BE raped in this country. The most common cause of death among young african american women is murder by an african american male. WAKE UP! There is a HUGE struggle. And YES just as blacks felt that the use of derogatory terms was an affront that struggle WOMEN need to wake up and realize the same.

And afford yourself the same right to live in an environment that respects your gender as well as your race. Protect your right to tune into a show that does not spew out racial slurs AND holds the same standard for gender based slurs.

Finally, UNDERSTAND what black men and Hispanic men and gay men have known and have fought for centuries - it DOES impact your group as a whole to have derogatory slurs spat off in songs, social media, tv shows, and movies. They march and stand up and scream and kick about ANY racial slur even the slightest insinuation of a racial slur. But when a woman says - hey and also - I don't want gender based slurs spewed everywhere - the entire society chokes the breath out of her with abuse - criticism and ridiculousness. Appreciate and think about this. The misogyny of women is so entrenched and ingrained in you that you can't see the basic issue with the word b****, no this society embraces the one who says it and chastises the woman who raises up against being called it. THINK. THINK. THINK.

Read Half the Sky as a starter

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. Compelling article....very touching! However, do good women ever forgive perceived gender insults, and let go? Have we ever wondered that despite all the derogatory name callings, women by nature, mysteriously still forgive; still love; still accommodate; still nourish those who wrong them? That's why its such a wonderful world because women are nothing like those who wrong them.
